Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Still Bad Flights

Still not right.

I can't book our flights because Tarmo doesn't still have his flights to USA. So we should book the first. But because I don't know which day my last exam is and when I'll go to Tennessee, we haven't booked flights for him. But now we should do so.

Now, that's not a big problem. I'll leave Iowa the last day when I can and that's 21st December. Tarmo will come to USA on the same day. No problem. I tried to look as simple flights for him as possible (and that is three flights max). And found flights from Dublin to New York and from there to Tennessee. But no flights from Finland to Dublin!!! I know Blue1 flies there but it doesn't show any flights yet. And there is no other direct and cheap flights to Dublin.

Not nice at all!

Since we don't know if Tarmo is able to go to Dublin on the same morning (staying night there is too expensive) we can't book the other flights either.

I still send an e-mail to Kilroy and asked if they could see some direct and cheap flights to Dublin and gave them the other flights too that I found for him. So I just wait an e-mail from them and hope that we could have the flights I already paid!!!


By the way, I did set up new blog for my exchange, I found this travelers blog where there is a map which shows all the palaces I visit. Quite handy and nice! I'll announce this new blog when it is time. Still two months to go.

And it's hot here and I played with my cells today, three hours on the lab! That must me my record. Usually it takes maximum two hours. And if Reija wouldn't have come it would have been four hours. But I did a lot today. Ampulled and stuff.

And now I have some weird phase. Usually I haven't been able to read efficiently at home but now I can't read at the university. Library is too short time open and the main library is boring (I don't like it) and at university there is too many people to chat with. I can't read there anymore! So I want to come home to read. And because of that we came home early (well, not so early, we still spent 6 hours at university) yesterday and today.

But now, the reading. I just had to write my aggressions about the flights so that I could concentrate on reading. Muaha!

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