Sunday, January 28, 2007

Cats already better

I'm so relieved. Neko feels a lot better now. Pollo was already playing on the same day (night) the operation was but Neko was tired still yesterday. Pollo didn't get that Neko didn't want to play with him so we had to put Pollo in the bedroom few times to calm down so that Neko could be in peace. We played also yesterday in our house and Pollo came to sleep on my lap. Cutie. And boys played with him which was good, because Neko could sleep. We put a "socksuit" on Neko, which was first like a diaper because Neko took her front legs away from it. It protected her wound so she or Pollo wouldn't lick it too much.

Poor Neko and the "socksuit"

We put it back on her for the night. On the morning when we woke up (well actually when Pollo came to wake us up) Neko was still having the suit on her, but soon after she took it away. Tarmo thought I had taken it away and I thought Tarmo had taken it away. And now she is playing with Pollo, but luckily she's careful still. She doesn't lick her wound too much (I believe it's so clean and neatly done so she doesn't have to lick it all the time) and neither does Pollo. So we dare to keep her without the suit. But of course we keep our eyes on them all the time.

Here is a picture when they were still sleeping (when they tottered to the bathroom).


We'll (hopefully) continue our yesterdays game in noon if Tomppeli just wakes up. He and Apen are allergic to our kitties and took drugs for it yesterday but still both got some symptoms at the evenoig (we had already played several hours no it's no wonder). We cleaned the house today so it would be easier to them to be here today. I still won't let the kitties to be alone too many hours. I have to keep my on them.

And I realized yesterday that I really was panicking on Friday. I forgot our laundry on the machine for the night (which I have never done before) and I forgot to get a packet from the Post office (and I've been waiting that packet for a week). Funny. I thought I was quite normal, only worried about the kitties. Maybe I just focused all my thoughts on them.

1 comment:

Patrick Ribbsaeter said...

nice blog..

Keep it up..

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