Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy Holidays It Was

SO, Iowa it is!!!

I got an e-mail from there where there was ID:s for me to log in. NICE!
And today there was a message: Admitted. VERY NICE!

I've browsed the pages and configured my e-mail (and my other e-mail too). I updated my address books. And that was something what I've planned to do so long. But done.

Eastern. Was nice.

Parties went well and I did just nothing yesterday and today. Played Sims2. Muaha!

People from Tampere were here only too little time. All were gone by 10 PM. And so I had made way too much food. We had to throw away some of them today because they started to smell bad. And we already ate almost three days from the left overs. Now I know that I won't do food anymore. Die in hungry in my parties! I don't care! (I do.)

And the gifts! The gifts were sooooo nice. Our parents updated our dishes and we got luggages, art, flowers (have to keep out of sight for kitties), Moomin cups etc. All very nice gifts.

And I'm SO bored to my cell phone and camera. I moaned about them to Dad so that he would feel like I need new ones. Muaha! Though I will buy them my self but I hope Dad will help me financially a bit. Though I really have a good reasons for new ones.

My phone:
  • is about 6 years old
  • it's battery is bad
  • it won't always accept my button pushes
  • I've missed at least one message (still haven't got it)
  • it won't work if it is too cold
  • it complains that the card is missing
  • it won't be useful in US
  • it's OLD
My camera:
  • won't take pics right away
  • one have to push the button several times before it takes pics
  • it's ugly
  • it's old (3 years)
  • it's weared
  • it's big
Reasons enough? I'm planning to buy new ones as soon as I dare. Though I have first to buy the tickets to US and the visa and other exchange stuff. So no new cell phone or camera at least in a month. I hope I could buy them soon still!

But back to party. Here's some pictures (well, one). I didn't take many my self because people had better cameras and I'm quite tired for it's behavior (not taking pics when I try to take them).

How did this go again?

More pics in here:
The pictures will tell a lot about the party. It misses though the first few hours at our place.

AND THEN, the exchange! So, Iowa it is. I'm happy. I can't wait to have the info package from there where they tell all! And I'm glad our lab course is now easier (not all day) so that I have time to go to deal all the things (insurance, tickets etc.).

But now I need to write some e-mails and then I'll go to sleep. I'll have a long day tomorrow. And on Friday I'll be going to BiTa (meeting for biologists in Finland) for all weekend. Drunk again!

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