Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fun Times

So, long time no see.

The courses are over and report has been written. We still hope that we won't get it back all underlined with red. And I got tired with my cells and threw all them away. Not really. Though I did throw them away. But it was just because they started to look bad and I'll get new cells next week for my Masters Thesis. And I tried to look today my latest apoptosis experiments results but fucking fuck! They were still all fucked up. Background was awful, I could hardly see the stained nucleus! We finally concluded that it must be the coverslips. And so I'll do the experiments again. For a third time. Fuck! But this time with new cells. It started to piss me off that the old cells started to look bad and though I had separated the different morphologies they started to look wrong. I know what I blame or what I think is the reason. One is that I've used one sucking pipette for all cell types, one is the rush I've had (so I haven't concentrated well) and one reason I won't say.

So, we had a meeting today and discussed several hours about my coming experiments. I will be really busy. I've already abandoned my plans to get the thesis done before going to US. But of course I'll do as much as I can. I try to do the experiments so that I'd only need to write and read. I also abandoned my plans for vacation. No time for such. Maybe after few years. Muaha.

I was in Helsinki last Friday too at a meeting. It was fine a and fun. A gay guy (I mean it, he must have been gay!) slapped me at my butt and said "sorry" with a most gay voice I've ever heard. And he had this white jacket and brown golfers gloves (yes, gloves!) and his hair up and sun glasses. He was so in! Like right from some cover. But I just couldn't stop laughing. And he was with two girls. Can't understand. But it was so funny. And when I came home at night some other guy tried to be so charming and he just didn't success in it that I felt sorry for him. When the train came he opened the door and bowed and said "ladies first" but didn't realize that there were people coming out. So cute! But when I stepped in I thanked of course.

What else... We just came from grilling. We took kitties out again and they were so much braver than last time. We took a long trip with them (well went where they wanted). And now they're so tired! Should sleep well all night!

And Saana is here! So nice! She'll be here at least until tomorrow.

Oh I went yesterday to gym with Tarmo at morning and on afternoon to body and my muscles are acing so much! We'll go to gym again tomorrow. I try to lose some weight (very little though) and to get my tummy at least a bit smaller. Summer is coming and I realized how big it has grown! But it's nice to know I've done something. And it's good that I got Tarmo with me there.

And oh! I almost forgot! We had this course ending party and I got SO drunk! But it was SO fun! Here's some pics.

Reija and Me

Me laughing and and actually not posing.

Course mates. (Riikka is taking the pic.)

Tarmo and Riikka.

We actually found out that they might be relatives. Funny!

This is how drunk I was. I spilled Mikkos beer on my lap. All of them.

This is also one proof that I had few too much. Muaha!

What you mean by me posing? And Sira. Also drunk.

And that's all folks!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I Hate Locals

Yesterday was fine.

I'll not trust again to locals, at least in Vantaa. The train was fine though I didn't get a seat because the ticket machine wouldn't sell me a seat to pendolino. So I had to move few times after Tampere. At Tikkurila I found the bus right away. I asked if the driver knew the place and he was confused. When I showed him the map I got, he said he knew where I should leave the bus. But after me there came this guy who asked if the bus goes to the airport (it does) and the driver answered "yeah". Then he asked when it will be there and the driver replied "yeah". And I gulped.

On our way I saw the hotel which was marked on the map but there didn't seem to be a stop and soon the driver said I should go. A guy left on the same stop and I asked him if he would know where I should go. He was looking at the map and finally said I should go towards these buildings. And I thanked and started to walk there fast. I still had half an hour time before the course would start. After a while I started to doubt the guy. There was nothing! So I called to one of the people at Olympus. She didn't answer first but on the second time she did. I had already walked back to the starting point. And there was 15 minutes left. She said that I was too far away to walk there in time, she'd pick me up. And she did and I was right in time. Huh! So thanks to the bus driver and this guy, I had to bother this women! But she was nice. And if I had trusted to my brains, I'd probably ended in the right place. BUT, I still blame Olympus the most.

  • They assume that everyone has their own car and by giving only an address everyone will find to place
  • The map they gave didn't have enough streets, only two streets on every side of the building
And thanks to these, I didn't see the street I was on and got lost. And there was this road construction so one road was missing on the map. But I didn't miss anything and that's the main thing.

I got a cup of coffee and nice bread. The course had lectures which lasted for couple of hours and after that we went to lunch. And that was it! We didn't have the hands on teaching because all of us (six persons) had different softwares. I did learn some new things though so the course was not in vain. But still over 100 euros for thins course would be too much! Luckily it didn't cost anything for us. And our department will pay back my trips too.
AND, I got this Jamie Olivers Shaker! It's so cool! And very handy! And of course I got a certificate from it. So, not a bad trip.

And thanks to early ending I got time to surprise Mom. I stayed in Tampere for a few hours and spent some time with Mom. She was so happy. And I had nice time too! We went to coffee and she bought me nice shoes! And a new toy for kitties. They've already broken the last toy (same toy actually), it's their favorite! And I was back home at 8 pm. And I was really tired.

And I've had some time to play with the camera and phone, and they're nice! Really nice! I love the camera, it's so good! It takes good pics and I get much information from them with this program (which I don't like, I should've bought Olympuses picture card in order to use the program fully!!). I still need to learn how to use it, but I know some basic features of the camera now. And it was so fun, one of the first things was to play with it under water! Muaha!
And the phone is nice too. I really like it. And it came to my mind, that because it has radio in it, I can now listen to it instead of silence in the labs when I'm working with my cells! Nice!

I'm really happy with my shoppings. I got what I wanted.

But I need to go to sleep. I've noticed that I'm quite tired. I need to take few days of vacation after the course is over. I really need some rest. I get tired so easily and after 8 hours in the lab I'm exhausted. And I still would need to do reports and read articles. And normally I could do that. But not now. Luckily weekend is coming. Though I need to write the report on Saturday or Sunday with Reija. But the course will end next Wednesday! And next Friday I'm maybe going to Helsinki again. There is the meeting of cell biologists and since I'm one of the council, I don't need to buy my trips there. And people there are nice.

But now to bed.

ps. I'm menstruating again. Phew.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

New Camera and Phone

I finally got my new phone and camera! BUT!!! The phone was black. I thought it had some brown figures on it but no. I misunderstood the description. But it doesn't mind so much. I could have bored to the figures. Now my phone is just simple and cool.
But the camera. The Camera! It's so nice! The first thing was to get it under water and play with it there. I haven't dared to drop it (though they promise it will handle it). I won't risk it yet. It will face a lot shocks during it's life of service.
I don't have pics of my new stuff and I need to go to sleep asap, I'll need to wake up at 4 am!!! My train to Vantaa to microscopy course will leave Jyväskylä 5.30 am. Horrible. And I'll be at Vantaa after 8 am and the course will start 9 am. I just need to hope that the train won't be late. I still need to take some mysterious buss to the place. But I'll handle this all.

I just needed to come and say that I HAVE NEW PHONE AND CAMERA!!!

And Pollo was so stupid just. He run right to a mirror. And really fast. Poofball. Muaha.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Unclean Desk

Yey, I get my new phone and camera next week, maybe even on Tuesday!! Super!

Tuula pissed me off again on Friday, on 5 pm after being in course lab for 9 hours she moaned that she has to do seven lectures for next week (which she has already done last year but needs only to look through and maybe add something). I was already really tired so I just let her words go through my ears and left as soon as I could. Of course I was sympathetic and understanding. Mom just laughed me when I told her about this. She said she could imagine me with my ears all smoking about her room (it really is one of the biggest issue that bothers me; her unclean room). But I've already helped her with that and it is not my job to clean it. (Though I've already made a stack of papers which have been all around there when she wasn't there and I needed some space at the desk). It really is that bad.

But I try not to let it bother me.

Yesterday I was playing with my cells with the help of Reija. We (or Reija) noticed a mistake in our last apoptosis experiments, so fixed it and now I have to go to university today too. But it's only about an hours business I have to do there and Reija said she'd come too, so it's not a big deal. But now I have to go to university at 6 am only on Monday and Tuesday. (And be there until 6 pm.) Even thinking this makes me tired. I just need to make coffee with me on these days.
On Wednesday I'll go to Helsinki to this microscope course we got with the camera. I'll need to go to train that leaves 5.30 am! Luckily I can sleep on the train. Then I need to go to place X by bus (I don't know how). They haven't bothered to give any schedule yet or any directions. And there isn't anything on the web about it! So I'll need to contact them on Monday if they don't start to send some information about it to me. I do need to know where I'm going and when!
Ah these last minute things really make me stressing about all things. Stupid.

But now I'll start leaving to university.

I'll ride a horse today!!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Wrong lifestyle

Argh! I'm screaming inside just now, can you hear it too??
I almost snapped to Tuula a while ago. I know she didn't mention it but it still pisses me off.

I was getting my clothes and chatted a bit with her, I had already said to Tarmo that I was leaving and we agreed to see outside in a ten minutes. I knew that she'd chat as always for a few minutes but then she started to go through this order we already had gone through several times! I've done that order for her about two months ago but we need the stuff in a month so we order them only now. I said to her that Tarmo waits me already and she just said "No can do" and continued. It's nothing but it rains outside! We discussed about the schedule and since my last course for this Spring started today and I got it's schedule only today (8 am to 6 pm every fucking day, maybe even longer!) and said that I'd come to do our apoptosis experiments on Saturday because tomorrow I'll be too tired after the course and I don't want to go to university at 6.30 am! And then she said "Well, now you know how my days always are and what it is to be a scientist." FUCK YOU! As if I haven't already introduced my self to a scientist world by being from 8 am to 8 pm at the university on weekdays and 9 pm to 4 pm on weekends, for every fucking day last Fall!

I really am not mad at her, I'm just pissed of that people don't realize that I really work outside university too. And that I need rest too. Even that I'm young and restless, doesn't mean that I couldn't be tired. And it wears me out if someone says "you should work harder, you can't have rest". And this pisses me off because Tuula knows that I work hard and I know she works hard, but I know she could work harder! She just needs to put some of her things in order, like:
  • clean her office
Now it's just tens of boxes around the room and she doesn't fin anything, all her papers all over and she keeps losing everything all the time. I've cleaned her room last summer but then she had to move and it's as bad again. Organize your stuff! It would be a lot easier and you'd find everything! I don't want to imagine what her home looks like.
  • eat well
Okay, she's fat and her heart is bad so she doesn't do exercise. But at least she could eat better, not just coffee and one banana in a working hours! I don't even want to think what she eats then when she gets home. Eat something else too and don't drink so much coffee! You have already got an heart attack!
  • get an internet home
She said that she had internet but then she was there all days and nights chatting with colleagues. Who says that you need to chat with them all night? You can handle your business already during working hours, put the damn computer off at 12 pm and go to sleep!

And there you go, healthier lifestyle and internet at home, and you can sleep and be more efficient! One of the main reasons for my (or my try to be health) lifestyle is that I'm more energy and I can do more when I exercise and eat well.

Ah this helped my feelings. I'm not that pissed off anymore. Muaha!

About the weekend. The Labors Day went nice. We barbecued at our backyard with friends and continued our place. I drunk almost a bottle of wine, the last glass was too much so I gave it to Kirsikka and continued with water. I got really tired (I had already been at university doing apoptosis experiments six hours at morning) and went to sleep 12 pm. People continued to party until 3 am and finally Tarmo came with me to sleep. I did sleep however two hours and was wake only an hour at bed. Next day we did A LOT doughnuts and at evening after being in sauna for two hours I felt really bad. I hadn't eaten well (only doughnuts and grapes) and my head was acing a bit because of the wine. So we went to bed early. Next day I was updating my lab book and wrote some methods for Tuula while others player Stawa-game (I didn't have a character in it so I just listened).

And now I'm confused what day it is because I had "a weekend" in the middle of the week. But it's nice. I planned to rest next weekend (too) because as I already mentioned, I'll have a hellish next two weeks. Ten hours of course plus my own experiments. But I'm happy because my spring tiredness is over and I don't need to sleep 10 hours anymore and drink three cups of coffee in order to keep myself awake. That wasn't nice.

I saw Saana today at university and I got her to come with me to do some exercise at bodycircuit! And while I was chatting with her I realized how much I've been missing her while I didn't see her for a few weeks. We saw at least few times at the gym every week so I've been missing her company! Know that! Muaha!