Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fun Times

So, long time no see.

The courses are over and report has been written. We still hope that we won't get it back all underlined with red. And I got tired with my cells and threw all them away. Not really. Though I did throw them away. But it was just because they started to look bad and I'll get new cells next week for my Masters Thesis. And I tried to look today my latest apoptosis experiments results but fucking fuck! They were still all fucked up. Background was awful, I could hardly see the stained nucleus! We finally concluded that it must be the coverslips. And so I'll do the experiments again. For a third time. Fuck! But this time with new cells. It started to piss me off that the old cells started to look bad and though I had separated the different morphologies they started to look wrong. I know what I blame or what I think is the reason. One is that I've used one sucking pipette for all cell types, one is the rush I've had (so I haven't concentrated well) and one reason I won't say.

So, we had a meeting today and discussed several hours about my coming experiments. I will be really busy. I've already abandoned my plans to get the thesis done before going to US. But of course I'll do as much as I can. I try to do the experiments so that I'd only need to write and read. I also abandoned my plans for vacation. No time for such. Maybe after few years. Muaha.

I was in Helsinki last Friday too at a meeting. It was fine a and fun. A gay guy (I mean it, he must have been gay!) slapped me at my butt and said "sorry" with a most gay voice I've ever heard. And he had this white jacket and brown golfers gloves (yes, gloves!) and his hair up and sun glasses. He was so in! Like right from some cover. But I just couldn't stop laughing. And he was with two girls. Can't understand. But it was so funny. And when I came home at night some other guy tried to be so charming and he just didn't success in it that I felt sorry for him. When the train came he opened the door and bowed and said "ladies first" but didn't realize that there were people coming out. So cute! But when I stepped in I thanked of course.

What else... We just came from grilling. We took kitties out again and they were so much braver than last time. We took a long trip with them (well went where they wanted). And now they're so tired! Should sleep well all night!

And Saana is here! So nice! She'll be here at least until tomorrow.

Oh I went yesterday to gym with Tarmo at morning and on afternoon to body and my muscles are acing so much! We'll go to gym again tomorrow. I try to lose some weight (very little though) and to get my tummy at least a bit smaller. Summer is coming and I realized how big it has grown! But it's nice to know I've done something. And it's good that I got Tarmo with me there.

And oh! I almost forgot! We had this course ending party and I got SO drunk! But it was SO fun! Here's some pics.

Reija and Me

Me laughing and and actually not posing.

Course mates. (Riikka is taking the pic.)

Tarmo and Riikka.

We actually found out that they might be relatives. Funny!

This is how drunk I was. I spilled Mikkos beer on my lap. All of them.

This is also one proof that I had few too much. Muaha!

What you mean by me posing? And Sira. Also drunk.

And that's all folks!

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