Saturday, June 09, 2007

Friend Gone

Many things done.

Flights are now (finally) in order, Tarmo will come to US via Amsterdam and stay one night there. He'll be at Tennessee at 20:30 if I remember correctly. When it's time, I'll try to book my flight to Tennessee about that time too. So we'll go to our hotel (or whatever) same time.

Which reminds me that I should start to look some houses/rooms that are rent. We'll rent a room for us because it will be more convenient that way to us and won't cost too much (I hope). If I just find some room that will be near the university, we don't have a car to use there. But we'll figure out something.

My visa should be ok too, I filled some forms (and it was a hell). I spent two hours filling the forms and trying to call to our international services office to ask some questions about the form. But there were no one who could help me. The officer said I should try later, so I went to eat and tried again. She said they have some meeting and after that there should be someone. So finally I got answers to my questions and filled the forms completely. After that firefox jammed. My other form wouldn't print out and acrobat reader jammed too. So I restarted it and filled the forms again. And same thing again. I was so nervous and mad! Tarmo came to rescue me while I was filling my forms for the second time and after I lost it. We tried to fill the forms via explorer but still I had problems to proceed with the other form (I did get the other form out though). I had to go to walk a bit to calm my self down and Tarmo tried to fix the computer. Finally at 3pm I got all the forms (and I started to fill them after 9am) and paid all fees and reserved an interview.
But I was so tired! I was supposed to do some apoptosis tests but I couldn't do that so I reserved the laminar for this day. I slept a bit and Tarmo bought us some candy. Have I ever told how cute he is! If he hadn't come there and helped me, I would have never finished the forms and would have ended up to some mental institution. Muaha! But really, I mean it. After I typed my information to the forms for the fourth time he checked that they all went right. I was so tired.

I don't understand it. Why did I get so tired about that? Maybe it was so stressful and I should have done some other things too that day. And it's not that the form was hard to fill, it's the computers. They seem always (well quite often) fail me when it's something I must do just that moment and I can't do home. This time I needed the printer and had to fill the forms at university for that reason. If I had been home, I'd have thrown the PC out of the window.

But, flights are in order and visa is almost in order. I'll have the interview next month.

I have some bad news too. Saana left. Snif.
She came to Jyväskylä to finish her courses and spent one night at our place. We went to terrace and to picnic. Next day we went to university to finish up things (that was the day I was fighting with the visa thing). We went eating and quite soon from there she left to her train back home. I knew all day that she'd go but when she was leaving, it happened so quickly. I hardly had time to say goodbye. Which is good, I would have cried. I almost did when she left but then I had to call about the visa.
Tarmo conformed me when I said I was sad. He said "You'll have skype and we can go and visit her". She will study at Ireland and we thought we could go there next summer for a vacation. She agreed. Nice!
But I miss her already! She is one of my best friends and even though we are quite different (and then again, we aren't), so I'm not surprised about my sorrow. I'm happy for her, I know she really wanted to go to study all those whale things (muaha) and she didn't like to be in Finland. And now I have one place to go to vacation for a reason! And it's always nice to have friends all over the world. I know we'll stay in touch. She's too valuable to lose.
But now I get all emotional, I better stop this issue here.

So, I went to do some apoptosis test today. The weather was (and is still) so good that I thought we should go out to do something with Tarmo. So we went to grill and ate in our backyard and after that rested for some time laying in the sun. But I'm so sensitive to sun so we couldn't be there too long. But we were there long enough to get my hands all red (though not burned, luckily). After that I reorganized my exchange papers and made do-list. Not much to do anymore. Some little details (including sending some of my stuff to US and getting the damned visa).
I realized I'll be in Finland only for two months anymore. I'll be leaving so soon! I know that this time will go fast, I'll be doing my masters thesis work intensively, I'll need to go to Tampere for that too and arrange leaving party one weekend (next month) and go to Tampere one weekend to see all my friend there too. And I really don't know how I can arrange all this time, I'm going to do all kinds of tests to my cells almost every day! Not to mention all the reading and writing I should do.
But no panic. This is why I scheduled my work to be done ready next Spring. I will not do it badly.

Oh it's so hot! I can't concentrate. I'll go and do something not related to thinking.

ps. Vepa dyed my hair and I love my new red hair!!! She put some stripes on it too, but I don't have any pics about it yet. But here's one pic of me and Saana.
Saana and me

ps. my arm looks like some animals leg. Muaha!

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