Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Bored and hungry

I woke too early. Tarmo has an exam so we had to wake up before seven. So now I have already got through what I was supposed to read on morning. And now I'm hungry. I'll make some food and go to university. Have to take some fruits with me. Otherwise I'll die for hunger before six. Long day, again.
I had odd feeling that I want baby. Not NOW but sometime. As young as possible. But before that I'd like to graduate. So not to worry. I won't get pregnant for few years. Muaha. I have now two little, black and hairy babies. And one of them tried to hunt my earring while it was on my ear! Luckily I had noticed that she had observed me for a while with That Eye. I had time to avoid the attack. Ha!
But I'm bored. I had the feeling this morning that my head will hurt again. So I thought I won't stress anything and do only little reading. And our culturing course starts at midday and after that I'll go to our lab. And after that I have a lecture. Oh why can't it be weekend already. Or christmas? I need vacation. But I have to read on christmas too, though I WON'T read on christmasholidays. Only when I'm here. And that's because I can't read at Tampere. There is no time and peace.

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